Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Late nights

I am by no means a morning person. If there was one thing that deterred me from becoming a high school teacher, it was the early mornings. I come from a family of early risers, and it was always just a bit painful to come downstairs at 10 a.m., bleary eyed with hair going every which way, and find the cheery bunch of them, their fourth cup of coffee in hand, with a list of chores already completed for the day, errands already run. I would say it balanced everything out when they all went to bed early and left the house to my mischievous wiles, but that stopped being fun and started to feel a lot lonelier when I stopped being a teenager.

But I find as I settle into a real working life, things are changing. I am lucky enough in my job to be able to roll out of bed a little after eight, and I've actually gotten quite used to it. I'm finding that late nights just don't do it for me anymore. This weekend, we decided to pretend like we were artsy adventurers and headed off to a late showing of Taxi Driver. The movie began at midnight (or thereabouts), and when we left the house a little after 11, I knew my body was telling me that I was now much more suited to a midnight night cap in some comfy pajamas. Not that I would refuse a late-night party or a rousing night at the bars every once in awhile, but my days of just staying up for the heck of it are over. I doubt I'll ever be up with the early risers, but perhaps next time I'm home, they'll only be on their second cup of coffee, and still in the middle of their morning routines, when I join them, a little less bleary-eyed than before.


  1. I'm glad you've managed to acclimate to getting up earlier. I never will. I work 2:30-10:30 p.m. My normal bedtime is 3 a.m., and the alarm goes off at 11 a.m. I had a normal 8-5 job for a few months a couple years ago...I never got used to getting up early. But I've always been a late to bed late to rise person. I don't think I'll ever outgrow it :)

  2. I've wondered for a bit what your work schedule was, since you've posted a couple of times about getting up late. What a great schedule for a night owl! I have some friends who would kill for those work hours...
