Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Still in Philadelphia

Haven't I been updating my blog? I could have sworn that no time at all had passed between this post and the last, but now I see, an entire month has come and gone, and my little space here has languished.

I promise to update often once I'm settled across the pond, at the very least. I'm not there yet, though my head is somewhere in between, maybe hovering over the tip of Greenland and leaning ever more heavily to try and move east. H leaves this Sunday with three large suitcases and a list of apartments to see next week. I'll stay state-side until the end of September, a choice I'm now regretting a little - we're dealing with all our big furniture and books and winter clothes before he leaves, so a rather empty apartment will await me every night. More than that, we're having epic conversations about the future, and I realize now that I'll miss him much more than I thought. The second year we were together we spent on separate continents, surely six weeks will be nothing. But I can't help wishing we were making the leap together. My head, anyway, has seen all it wants to see of the tip of Greenland.

In the meantime, I'm trying to focus on work - editing videos of people talking endlessly (a stutter or a throaty hesitation sounds so absurd when you hear it ten times over), and staying altogether very calm and unsentimental about leaving. The only time I do have slight fits of panic is when I'm trolling websites looking for jobs. Would it be unwise to take time off and write my memoirs? A romance novel? A niche nonfiction history of salt and pepper shakers?