Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall weather

The weather has been turning, with rain and winds to make me long for hot cups of tea, my couch, my pajamas, and a good book. H and I dragged out a comforter from our big wooden chest last week (because the chest is cedar, the comforters always smell crisp and smokey for the first few nights, like a log's so cozy). It's the lightest comforter we have in the house, but still -- having slept with only a sheet for a few months, it seems like a giant step towards Fall.

When the weather first started getting cool last week, I continued to leave the house in bare legs, open-toed high-heels and sleeveless tops, shivering through the cool morning air defiantly. It's only September! Who needs pants and long-sleeves?? But this morning I rolled out of bed reluctantly, and bundled myself up in the first comfy, warm things I saw - an old cardigan and thick, cushiony boots that will keep my feet dry. I usually dress much nicer for work, but casual Friday takes on a whole new meaning when the weather is this dreary. And now, I suppose, it’s time to grudgingly admit defeat, take a long breath of the cool, moist air, and shove those summer clothes to the back of the closet once again until next year.


  1. Oh no you don't. I happen to know for a fact autumn is the most beautiful part of the year out east. You're just sulking because you lost the student discount.

  2. Easy for you to say, Southern California! Fall has come too soon, since we never really got a proper, sweat-dripping kind of summer here this year. Although, perhaps you're right, since it's the perfect time to see museums, and I'll be faced with those full, adult prices. Damn it.

  3. Altho, if you were a disreputable character such as myself, you'd still give the discount a try by saying due to budget blah, blah, blah, new ID's have been delayed a month (or two, or three). Give us a picture of leaves turning. Out here they just drop.
