Saturday, August 15, 2009

An Imperfect Space

The idea for a blog has been stirring in my head for a year now, and there it has gone through dozens of manifestations: a platform for commentary on gender, a place for play, a chronicle of tidbits that reflect the weirdest and wackiest from the pages of printed material (where the title of the blog came from - which stuck with me), an outlet for the complaints of a lowly nine-to-fiver - but finally, here I am carving out a tiny space for myself, on a whim, and trying to stay focused on letting it be *imperfect* and wind its way around all of my interests, my lives, and my stories, over time. I'm away from what was long home, and it never hurts to have a place for reaching out to old friends and new ones. So, welcome! Come and go. Read and comment. I hope I can offer you something worth your time and attention.

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